Nigerian Barber Arrested Over Girlfriend’s Death During Séx Marathon


A Nigerian barber has been arrested in connection with the death of his girlfriend during a sex marathon.

The incident happened in the city of Lagos on October 31, 2023.

The barber, who has not been named,

is accused of having sex with his girlfriend for several hours without stopping.

The girlfriend, who has also not been named,

was found dead in the barber’s apartment the next morning.

The barber has been arrested and charged with manslaughter.

He is currently in police custody awaiting trial.

The case has sparked a debate in Nigeria about the dangers of excessive sex.

Some people have argued that the barber should be charged with murder,

while others have said that he should be charged with manslaughter.

It is important to note that the investigation is still ongoing and no charges have been proven in court.


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