“The 2024 friendship scissors is here” – Ilebaye reveals she’s ready to cut off friends


BBNaija All-Stars winner Ilebaye Odiniya has sent a New Year’s message to her followers, hinting at a discerning approach to friendships in the coming year.

The reality TV star took to Twitter, revealing the existence of a metaphorical “2024 friendship cutoff scissors” and advised those contemplating severing ties to exercise caution.

“The 2024 friendship cutoff scissors is out @g. Take it easy on us, please. And it’s gold. Cut slowly, please,” Ilebaye wrote.

This tweet follows a pattern of Ilebaye’s assertive social media presence. About a month ago, she subtly threw shade at her fellow BBNaija All-Stars housemates.

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In a confident statement, she asserted her belief that, ultimately, there is only one true winner of BBN All Stars, subtly staking her claim to that coveted title.

This particular tweet came in response to trolls and critics who suggested that Ilebaye’s victory in the reality show was attributed to playing the pity card.

In her response, the All-Stars winner not only defended her triumph but also expressed unwavering determination to continue thriving while others engaged in discussions about it.

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