After Purchasing An Intimate Supper For Her And Adekunle, Venita Sobs, He Said I Would Come For His Child’S Naming Ceremony Video.


Relationships appear to be ending as the Big Brother Naija reality series comes to an end. Venita’s emotional admission to fellow housemate Angel was one of the most talked-about recent events.

Venita sobbed as she told Angel about a situation that made her feel vulnerable and hurt. Venita, a roommate with whom she had been romantically linked since the second week of the show, used her Monie Point monies to buy a dinner date for herself and Adekunle.

, a housemate with whom she had been romantically involved since the second week of the show.

However, what seemed like a sweet and romantic gesture took an unexpected turn. Adekunle had left her behind at the dinner date and gone to bed.

Venita also told Angel that previously, Adekunle had playfully told her that he would invite her to his child’s naming ceremony. This comment shattered Venita’s expectations, and she couldn’t hide her disappointment and heartache.

For Venita, who had been investing emotionally in her relationship with Adekunle, this remark was both upsetting and hurtful.

Almost two weeks ago, fans uncovered some comments made by Venita about Toke Makinwa, a well-known media personality.

A decade ago, Venita had shared some opinions about Toke Makinwa, advising her to focus on her relationship and to be more reserved in her public statements. She even suggested that Toke should have been married by now.

Doyin, another housemate who has since left the Big Brother house, had also shared her thoughts on Venita. Doyin didn’t hold back in her assessment of Venita, labeling her as a “mean girl” and expressing her disappointment in her as a person.

Doyin’s remarks about Venita being “old and disappointing as a human” stirred conversations among viewers and fellow housemates. Doyin had also suggested that Venita’s presence was primarily driven by her relationship with Adekunle.

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